How should we do before using a plastic crusher?

- 2022-04-02-

With the change of life, the quality of life is improved, according to what I know, there are many energy used now, but it also avoids some waste, but some garbage can be used in processing, such as what we see, you can do it. Processing is using, this uses our plastic crusher, but what should we pay attention to before use, let me introduce it in detail.

We are very important before using the plastic crusher. Seriously, it is unrecoverable, we can avoid these conditions before using serious examination before booting, so you should check it carefully before use. At the time of inspection, the part of the plastic crusher must be complete, intact, fastened, with: electric motor, reducer, hydraulic coupling, head, machine tail, etc. If the reducer, the hydraulic axle should not have oil leakage, if there is timely notice repair, the oil volume should be adapted. The device signal must be sensitive and reliable. If no signal is not checked, it will not be turned on, in addition to the spray sprinkler must ensure that it is intact.